GIRL DINNER, ongoing series of paintings and title of a solo exhibition in Soho May 2024, explores themes of nostalgia, irresponsibility, and the politics of safety (especially for women) through figures and still life. See additional details about specific works in Original Paintings Catalog

Select Exhibition Photos from Jutta Gallery May 2024

“Pink Paintings”
Bree’s artwork for many years, often called the “pink paintings”, generally centers around themes of abandon, nostalgia, and perceived risk. Vivid pink images of suggestive behavior are rendered in aggressive, monochrome neon pinks as large-format figurative paintings, portraits, and still lives. The aesthetics and imagery work in consort to conjure the disorientation and allure of a hazy fever dream.
These works have been featured in solo and group exhibitions including at the infamous 188 Allen Gallery and Sour Mouse in NYC . See additional details about specific works in Original Paintings Catalog

Select Exhibition Photos 2022-2023

Artwork Pre-2022
Examples of works created between 2014 – 2021 available upon request.